Building Exterior Work

Please be advised that beginning Tuesday June 27, 2023 Industrial Restoration Services will be working around the property at Westfield Twins to inspect and repair various areas of concrete and masonry concern at the buildings’ exterior. This work will last for approximately one week and will involve the use of a lift for access. Please accept this email as notice of their presence on site. To the extent that you are concerned about privacy at your balcony and window areas be sure to keep blinds or curtains closed during this time. Also please be sure to avoid the work area around and under the lift at all times and provide the contractor with plenty of space to complete their work. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this regard. 

Water Shutoff 2830 Gordon Rd, Dec 13, 9am-1pm

Please be advised that a planned shut off to the water service is scheduled to occur at approximately 9:00 am on Monday December 13, 2021. This is necessary to help facilitate plumbing repair work at the property. This service disruption will only affect units in 2830 Gordon Road. The service outage is expected to last until approximately 1:00 pm. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Masks Mandatory Indoors Again – Sept 17

As of September 17, masks are again mandatory in indoor public areas as per the new Saskatchewan Government order. This order will be in place until further notice.

Please wear a mask when entering the common areas of your building. This applies whether you are entering common space from your unit or from outside.

We thank you in advance for continuing to do your part to keep yourself and your neighbours safe.

Please Update Your Owner Contact Info w/ Nicor

In order to continue receiving owner-related notices from our new property managers, Nicor, please email any updates to Linda at to ensure they have your name, address of unit(s) owned, preferred email address and phone number for communication, and mailing address if different than your unit owned. Nicor will soon be giving owners notice of our upcoming annual general meeting, so doing this at your earliest convenience will help keep everyone informed.