Pool News

As a result of ongoing difficulties managing the presence of organic matter in the pool which has caused the persistent cloudy nature, the board of directors at Westfield Twins has made the decision to move from using Bromine treatment back to Chlorine treatment. The chlorine treatment should be able to better manage the situation and result in more consistently clean water.
In order to ensure the most success with the change the pool is closed effective immediately to facilitate draining the water, performing a thorough scrub and clean, and refilling with new water and the chorine treatment. It is expected the pool will be available for use again beginning Monday May 2, 2022.
Additionally, pool users are being asked to be mindful of the ways in which you use the pool which plays a large role in the quality of the water. Rules for pool usage can be found in the owners manual and posted in the pool building and include(but are not limited to):
-Taking a cleansing shower before entering the pool or hot tub
-Proper Swim attire should be worn at all times in the pool and hot tub(no street clothes)
-Children are not allowed to swim alone and must be accompanied by the resident.
-No children under three years of age are permitted in the pool or hot tub.
Adherence to the above will help to ensure the pool is kept in good condition and consistently available for use on a more regularly basis. Your anticipated co operation in this regard is appreciated.