Parking Lot Snow Removal: Dec 31 8am

Please note that arrangements have been made to complete parking lot snow removal on Friday December 31, 2021 starting at approximately 8:00 A.M. and lasting for as long as it takes to complete the work. In order to help accommodate the completion of a thorough job we are requesting that owners/tenants remove their vehicles from the parking stalls prior to the work commencing and please do not return your vehicles until the entire job is complete. The more vehicles that are removed the more likely it will be that the crew will be able to thoroughly clean parking stalls and drive areas. Stalls with vehicles too close to them that do not allow for safe maneuvering of the snow removal equipment will not be able to be properly cleared. The Westfield Twins Condominium Corporation maintains the right to implement a $100 administrative charge for vehicles that are not moved to accommodate the parking lot cleaning. Please note that in some instances parking stalls may be used to pile snow until it can be properly hauled away. The layout of the property does not provide many opportunities for temporarily locating moved snow and until it can all be properly removed there may be some inconvenient piles located around the property. These will be all removed as soon as possible and before work is completed that day. Thank you for your cooperation and patience while this work is being completed.